Vicobello Outdoor Water Fountain

Algae growth in outdoor water fountains is a common problem that many homeowners face. These fountains provide a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere, but when algae start to form, it can quickly become an eyesore. Algae growth can also clog the fountain's pump and cause damage to the fountain's surface.

There are several ways to remove algae from your outdoor water fountain. One method is to use a scrub brush and water to remove the algae manually. This method is effective but can be time-consuming and require a lot of effort. Another method is to use a chemical treatment that is specifically designed to kill algae. These treatments are easy to use and can be very effective, but they can also be harmful to the environment and may require multiple treatments.

In this article, we will explore different methods for keeping algae out of your fountain. We will discuss the pros and cons of each method, as well as provide tips for preventing algae growth in the future. With the right approach, you can keep your outdoor water fountain looking beautiful and algae-free all year round.

Identifying Algae in Your Outdoor Water Fountain

Algae growth is a common problem in outdoor water fountains, especially during warm weather when the temperature is ideal for its growth. Identifying algae in your outdoor water fountain is essential to prevent it from spreading and causing damage to the fountain.

One of the most common signs of algae growth is the appearance of green or brownish slime on the surface of the water in the fountain. This slime is caused by the buildup of algae, which thrives in warm and stagnant water. Another sign of algae growth is the presence of foul odor emanating from the fountain.

To confirm the presence of algae, you can also check the sides and bottom of the fountain for slimy deposits. Algae can also cause discoloration of the water, turning it from clear to green or brownish.

It is important to note that not all green or brownish discoloration in the water is caused by algae. Other factors, such as dirt, debris, and chemical imbalances, can also cause similar discoloration. Therefore, it is crucial to confirm the presence of algae before taking any steps to remove it.

In conclusion, identifying algae in your outdoor water fountain is crucial in preventing its growth and spread. Keep an eye out for signs of green or brownish slime, foul odor, and discoloration of water.

The Importance of Regular Fountain Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your outdoor water fountain is crucial to keep it looking its best and functioning properly. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to a build-up of algae, debris, and other contaminants that can damage the fountain's surface and clog its pump.

To keep your fountain in top condition, it's important to follow the manufacturer's maintenance instructions. These instructions will typically include recommendations for cleaning, pump maintenance, and winterization. Following these instructions will help ensure that your fountain stays in good working order and lasts for years to come.

Regular cleaning is also essential to keep your fountain looking great. This should include removing any debris or leaves that may have fallen into the fountain, as well as scrubbing away any algae or other build-up on the surface. This can be done using a soft-bristle brush and a mild cleaning solution.

In addition to regular cleaning, it's important to schedule regular fountain maintenance. This may include checking the pump for any signs of wear or damage, replacing any worn or damaged parts, and ensuring that the fountain is properly sealed to prevent leaks.

By following these maintenance instructions and keeping up with regular cleaning and maintenance, you can help ensure that your outdoor water fountain stays in top condition and continues to provide a beautiful and relaxing focal point for your outdoor space.

Materials Needed for Algae Removal

Removing algae from an outdoor water fountain can be a daunting task, but with the right materials, it can be done effectively. Here are some materials that can help in the process:

  1. Scrub brush: A sturdy scrub brush can help clean algae from the surface of the fountain.
  2. Vinegar: Distilled white vinegar is an effective natural cleaner that can help remove algae.
  3. Bleach: A diluted bleach solution can also be used to clean algae from the fountain.
  4. Toothbrush: A toothbrush can come in handy for cleaning hard-to-reach areas.
  5. Dish soap or detergent: Mild dish soap or detergent can be used to clean the fountain.
  6. Pipe cleaner: A pipe cleaner can be used to clean small crevices and hard-to-reach areas.
  7. Commercial fountain cleaner: A commercial fountain cleaner can be used for more stubborn algae growth.

To start the process, the fountain should be emptied of water and any debris removed. The fountain can then be scrubbed down with warm water and mild soap or detergent. For more stubborn algae growth, a vinegar or bleach solution can be used. It's important to rinse the fountain thoroughly with clean water after using any cleaning solution.

A toothbrush or pipe cleaner can be used to clean small crevices and hard-to-reach areas. A commercial fountain cleaner can also be used for more stubborn algae growth. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using a commercial cleaner.

Overall, with the right materials and a little elbow grease, algae can be effectively removed from an outdoor water fountain.

Steps to Remove Algae from Your Outdoor Water Fountain

Removing algae from an outdoor water fountain is essential to keep it looking beautiful and functioning correctly. Here are the steps to remove algae and keep water clean in a fountain:

  1. Turn off the water pump and unplug the fountain from the power source. This step is crucial to avoid any electrical hazards while cleaning the fountain.
  2. Remove any debris or leaves from the fountain. You can use a net or a small brush to get rid of any debris.
  3. Drain the fountain and refill it with clean water. If possible, use distilled water instead of tap water to prevent any mineral buildup.
  4. Add a cup of white vinegar to the water. The vinegar will help to break down the algae and prevent it from coming back.
  5. Scrub the fountain with a soft-bristled brush or a toothbrush. Pay attention to the areas where algae usually grow, such as corners and crevices.
  6. Rinse the fountain thoroughly with clean water. Make sure to remove all the vinegar and algae residue.
  7. If the algae growth is severe, you can use an algaecide product. Follow the instructions on the product label carefully and wear protective gloves and eyewear.
    For a deep clean, you can use a commercial fountain cleaner. However, avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the fountain.
  8. Clean the water pump and filter. Use a mild dish detergent and warm water to clean the pump system thoroughly.
  9. Wipe down the fountain with a disinfectant to kill any remaining bacteria or germs.

By following these steps, you can keep algae out of your fountain effectively and maintain its beauty and functionality.

Preventing Future Algae Growth

To prevent future algae growth in your outdoor water fountain, there are several steps you can take. First, it is important to maintain a regular cleaning schedule for your fountain. This includes removing any debris or leaves that may have fallen into the fountain, as well as scrubbing the fountain material with a brush and mild soap.

Another important factor in preventing algae growth is the location of your fountain. If possible, place your fountain in a shaded area to reduce the amount of direct sunlight it receives. This will help to slow down the growth of algae.

Running water is also an effective way to prevent algae growth. The movement of the water helps to aerate the fountain, increasing the oxygen levels and reducing the amount of nutrients available for algae growth. Consider adjusting the water pressure to create more movement in the water.

In addition to regular cleaning and maintenance, there are several products that can be used to prevent algae growth. Barley straw is a natural and effective way to control algae growth in your fountain. Simply place a small bale of barley straw in your fountain and allow it to decompose over time. This will release natural chemicals that help to prevent algae growth.

Finally, it is important to be mindful of any birds that may be attracted to your fountain. Birds can introduce nutrients and bacteria into the water, which can contribute to algae growth. To prevent this, consider placing a bird net over your fountain or using a bird repellent.

By following these maintenance instructions and taking proactive steps to prevent algae growth, you can keep your outdoor water feature looking clean and beautiful for years to come.

Understanding Your Fountain's Pump System

The pump system is the heart of any outdoor water fountain. It is responsible for circulating water through the fountain and keeping it clean. Understanding how your fountain's pump system works is essential to maintaining its performance and longevity.

Most outdoor water fountains use a submersible pump that is placed directly in the water. The pump draws water from the basin and sends it through the fountain's plumbing, where it is distributed through the various water features.

The pump system typically includes a filter to remove debris and prevent clogs. The filter should be cleaned regularly to ensure the pump is working efficiently. Some fountains also have a pre-filter that can be used to trap larger debris before it reaches the main filter.

It is important to choose the right pump for your fountain. The size of the pump should be based on the volume of water in the fountain and the height of the water features. A pump that is too small will not provide adequate water flow, while a pump that is too large can cause excessive splashing and noise.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your fountain's pump system working properly. This includes cleaning the filter, checking the water level, and inspecting the pump for signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues with your pump system, such as reduced water flow or unusual noises, it is important to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Overall, understanding your fountain's pump system is key to keeping your outdoor water feature running smoothly. With proper maintenance and care, your fountain will provide years of enjoyment and relaxation.

Choosing the Right Algaecide

When it comes to algae control for fountains, choosing the right algaecide is crucial. Algaecides are chemicals that kill or prevent the growth of algae in water. There are many types of algaecides available, and choosing the right one can make all the difference in the effectiveness of your treatment.

One important factor to consider when choosing an algaecide is whether it is a metallic or non-metallic algaecide. Metallic algaecides contain copper, silver, or other metals that can be toxic to fish and other aquatic life. Non-metallic algaecides, on the other hand, are safe for fish and other aquatic life.

Another important consideration is the type of algae you are dealing with. Different algaecides are designed to target different types of algae. For example, some algaecides are specifically designed to target green algae, while others are more effective against black or yellow algae.

When choosing an algaecide product, it's important to read the label carefully and follow the instructions for use. Some algaecides require multiple treatments, while others can be used as a one-time treatment. It's also important to consider the size of your water fountain and the amount of water it contains, as this will affect the amount of algaecide you need to use.

Overall, choosing the right algaecide is crucial for effectively cleaning algae from your outdoor water fountain. By considering factors such as metallic vs. non-metallic algaecides, the type of algae you are dealing with, and the instructions for use, you can ensure that you choose the right product for your needs.

Understanding the Impact of Sunlight and Shade

When it comes to algae growth in outdoor fountains, sunlight and shade play a crucial role. Understanding the impact of these two factors is essential to effectively clean algae from your fountain.

Direct sunlight can promote the growth of algae by providing the necessary energy for photosynthesis. Algae need sunlight to produce food, and as a result, they thrive in areas with ample sunlight. On the other hand, shade can inhibit algae growth by limiting the amount of sunlight that reaches the water.

It's important to note that not all shade is equal. Some types of shade, such as that provided by trees or buildings, can be more effective at limiting algae growth than others. For example, a fountain that is shaded by a tree may have less algae growth than one that is shaded by a nearby building, as the tree provides more complete coverage and blocks more sunlight.

In addition to limiting sunlight, shade can also help to regulate water temperature. Cooler water temperatures can slow down algae growth, while warmer temperatures can promote it. By providing shade, you can help to keep the water in your fountain cooler and reduce the likelihood of algae growth.

Overall, understanding the impact of sunlight and shade on your outdoor water fountain is key to effectively removing algae. Whether you need to add more shade to your fountain or adjust its location to get more sunlight, taking these steps can help to keep water clean in a fountain.

How to Deep Clean Your Outdoor Water Fountain

To keep your outdoor water fountain looking its best, it's important to give it a deep clean every once in a while. Here are some steps to follow to ensure your fountain stays in top condition:

  1. Unplug the fountain and drain all the water from it. Remove any debris or leaves that might have accumulated.
  2. Scrub the fountain with hot, soapy water using a scrub brush. Be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. For tough stains, use a commercial fountain cleaner or a mixture of distilled white vinegar and water.
  3. Rinse the fountain thoroughly with clean water. Make sure to remove all traces of soap or cleaner.
  4. Clean the pump system. Remove the pump from the fountain and wipe it down with a damp cloth. If the pump is clogged, use a toothbrush to remove any debris. For a deeper clean, soak the pump in a mixture of distilled white vinegar and water for a few hours.
  5. Disinfect the fountain. Mix a solution of one part mild dish detergent to ten parts water. Use this solution to scrub down the fountain and pump. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  6. Refill the fountain with distilled water. This will help prevent the buildup of mineral deposits.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your outdoor water fountain stays clean and free of algae. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the fountain and harm wildlife.


In conclusion, algae control for fountains is a task that requires patience and persistence. It is important to regularly clean the fountain and take preventative measures to avoid algae growth.

Some effective ways to remove algae from a water fountain include using an algaecide, scrubbing the fountain with a brush, and using a fountain cleaner. It is also important to properly maintain the water quality by regularly adding a fountain water treatment and monitoring the pH levels.

By following these steps, one can easily maintain a clean and beautiful outdoor water fountain. Remember to always read the instructions carefully and follow safety precautions when using any chemicals or cleaning products.

Keep algae out of your fountainKeep water clean in a fountainRemove algae from your outdoor water fountain